This series is not meant to serve as proof.
This series is meant to serve as documentation.
A multimedia project fused with interviews, A Diaspora in Self-Isolation: Black Women during the Covid-19 Pandemic documents Black women’s narratives during the Covid-19 global pandemic.
A Diaspora in Self-Isolation: Black Women during the Covid-19 Pandemic explores if, for Black women, not having to be thrust into in-person interactions and to be their own spaces might, in any way possible, be beneficial on an emotional and mental level, and maybe even a physical one. In any way possible, can this time allow Black women to redirect their constant giving to giving that is focused on themselves?
To explore some of the archived documents: click here to view the Purpose from 2020. And, click here to view the Introductions and Instructions from 2020.
Below are some selections from the year-long project; more specifically, these focus on water, being in or near the different manifestations of it, and how it was and continues to be a centering and healing source for Black women. The subjects of the year-long photography component are my mother, Marie, and my little sister, Mari. And, then sometimes you might catch my dad, Mark, and my brother, Marcus, and my grandpa, Renaud, and my dog, Cookie Butter Stamps. But you won't catch me; that's deliberate.